Saturday, March 21, 2020
Marketing Case free essay sample
Under the Umbrella positioning our target customers are Indian middle class families currently owning 2-wheelers for 4-5 person commuting and graduating youngsters for whom Anna would appeal as a stylish alternative while still maintaining invulnerability and affordability of a 2-wheeler. India is a developing economy with a rapidly growing segment of middle class consumers that aspires for a car ownership.The Indian auto industry is projected to grow ATA 17% annually with an automobile production of 1 1 MN in 2008-09. Out of this 75% are 2 wheeler owners which we believe is a very good potential market for Anna. We will utilize our strong reputation and long standing relationships to co-liaise with suppliers for inventing this light weight car. By continuing to position our brand as for the people and high-quality, marketing will remain consistent through dealerships.Business objectives for the Anna Nikkei Lexis High technology and small size defined the advent Of Anna ( which means small in Guajarati ) in the Indian auto market. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The prefix is also originally derived from the Greek voodoo, meaning dwarf (a Anna = ION-9 in the metric system). Data with this product entered a blue ocean market, the business strategy highly motivated by the Collaborative marketing strategy defined by what customers need to make a better life. Our sales goal for Data Anna in its first year of launch is 1. 46 MN Nanas. Anna should launch 50000 Nanas precooked) initially limited by the plant production capacity and selling on a rolling basis with the set-up of the new plant at Sand, Gujarat Automobile production Type of Vehicle 2008-09 Market share Comments Passenger vehicle 1,838,593 16% Indict was behind Marti 800 (leader in passenger vehicles) Commercial vehicle 41 6,870 4% Data was the leader Three wheelers 497,020 Potential to tap this market for taxi conversions Two wheelers 75% Very good potential market for Anna Total 11,172,275 100% With an initial investment of 3* 1500 scores INNER Data aliased with 100 different appliers to get a starting production capacity of 1 MN (350,000 Nanas from new plant built in Singer, West Bengal and 2 additional plants with similar capacity). They shifted to a new site at Sand, Gujarat due to protests from farmers on claiming their land and also set up a temporary manufacture site at HTML Pentagon. Capacity of this plant was only 50000 Nanas.Market for Data An na Andrew Expanding middle class= 5%in 2005, 19% in 2015, Anna launched in 2009, can take a an average of 12% as the potential middle class 1. 1 Bin*12% (middle class)* (12/1 000 car ownership) = 1. Mann potential car owners Segment Description Main competitor models -Price range (INNER) Entry level hatchback Marti 800 200,000 Alto Hatchback Indict 300,000 Honda motorcycles/Scooters/Mopeds Switch rate from other cars would be very less. New users would buy Anna as opposed to Marti 800/Alto/Tv;uh wheeler (1 7% growth rate * 1. Mann 270,000 new car owners) Switch rate from two wheelers ( {17% growth rate *8. 419 MN new users+ 8. Man old users} *20% switchers= 1,970,230) Nanas market share 20% from Marti + 10% from its own share = 30% * 81 000 Nanas market share from two wheelers= 70% (due to lower cost) * . Man -?1. Man 81000+ 1. Man -?1. Man Potential Economic risks and challenges- Safety and quality issues arising due to reduction in costs associated with manufacturing. But Indian suppliers saw it as an opportunity to expand their own operations and the goodwill amongst the society for Data helped the cause. Rather than improving life for the masses it would do harm by putting millions more passenger cars on Indians already congested roads poorly maintained roads increasing air pollution at odds with tats green initiative Target market AndrewIntroduce STEP framework, continues into positioning statement We can include the company, consumer and competitors (ACS) here in this question: Company history Consumer : Segmentation (age/demographics/income) price elasticity Competitors-substitutes (scooters/taxis/authoritarians in India), competitors (cheaper than Marti,Zen, smaller cars) Positioning and rationale Our official position statement for the Data Anna is the following: To middle class Indian individuals, the Data Anna is the worlds cheapest car that promises a safe and reliable way of transportation, based on the Data Groups instancing reputatio n of being trustworthy and having strong ethics. Based on all the research and development that has gone into making it a light and affordable car, the Anna offers an added value to the two sub-groups of aspiring car owners we identified: 1 . To Indian middle class families, the Anna provides safety, reliability, space and comfort 2.To young individuals going up the hierarchy ladder or graduating, the Anna represents a stylish alternative while still maintaining invulnerability and affordability of a 2-wheeler. Owning a car is also often considered a token of status in India. Note that individuals within these two groups might either use public transportation or own motorcycles. These two sub-groups do not look for technology and innovation, but rather practical solutions and convenience. We therefore target the late majority and laggards in Rorers Diffusion Curve. Another reason to believe in the cars success consists in that the Anna is the car potential buyers didnt know they needed, between the motorbike and the small passenger car, which sets it apart in prospects view.According to Levitys Product Augmentation framework, the Anna represents an augmented product when compared to 2-wheelers, and therefore exceeds expectations (stables for extra safety, roof for poor weather conditions and space for luggage storing or extra passengers), providing customer delight. As the most affordable car in the country/world, it the best alternative for every individual that has a WET (willingness to pay) equal or higher than 1 lake. To sum up, the Anna offers superior service at an affordable price, which is the very essence of value proposition (see our proposed STEP strategic planning below). In order to explain the rationale of our recommendation and prove why we insider it superior to other potential positioning alternatives, lees have a look at the ups. The product, Data Anna, is according to the Group the cheapest car in the world, without having the image of being cheap, therefore avoiding having a negative perception from potential consumers. Keeping reliability, safety and quality remains credible as Data Motors already has experience in the automobile industry, with the production of passenger- cars since 1991 and representing 16. 45% of market-share (notably thanks to the visibility of the Indict). Therefore, and in terms of pricing, the Anna indubitably needs to adopt a penetration strategy (high SOME share of available addressable market share) due its low cost, which means low margin in absolute value.Pricing the Anna at less than half the price of its main competitor, the Suzuki Marti, while offering similar features and quality (see Exhibit 4 of the given case), is a strong differentiator. In terms of place, Data Motors plan to produce the Anna in the Sand plant, and make it available nationwide through the companys 214 dealerships. This guarantees proximity to potential customers at least in urban areas. Data was also thinking about contracting with entrepreneurial engineers in order to reach rural areas, which is something we would not recommend as quality would in this case be unreliable, which contradicts our positioning statement. In addition, most Indians with a high enough WET for a Anna are located in urban areas, therefore limiting potential profits (at least for now) in rural Indian.We will develop our ideas regarding promotion and distribution in the following section. Implications on distribution (selling channels) and promotion (marketing communications): Mark Positioning Targeted at growing middle class (Disposable income RSI 200,000 to 1 million, growth from 5% to 1 up to 41% in 2025), with a median age of 25 year olds in Indian. Character of consumers: while spending increases (1 7% for transportation in 2005, equating to 85,000 to 1 70,000 RSI), absolute values of income stay low equating to savvy consumers that desire value Competition: Will need to compete for coll ege aged value seekers, in both motorcycle and entry level hatchback segments.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Theoretical Grammar Definition and Examples
Theoretical Grammar Definition and Examples Theoretical grammar is concerned with language in general rather than with an individual language, as is the study of essential components of any human language. Transformational grammar is one variety of theoretical grammar. According to Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe: Theoretical grammar or syntax is concerned with making completely explicit the formalisms of grammar, and in providing scientific arguments or explanations in favour of one account of grammar rather than another, in terms of a general theory of human language. (Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe, The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics. Rodopi, 2003) Traditional Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar What generative linguists mean by grammar should not be confused, in the first instance, with what ordinary persons or nonlinguists might refer to by that term: namely, a traditional or pedagogical grammar such as the kind used to teach language to children in grammar school. A pedagogical grammar typically provides paradigms of regular constructions, lists of prominent exceptions to these constructions (irregular verbs, etc.), and descriptive commentary at various levels of detail and generality about the form and meaning of expressions in a language (Chomsky 1986a: 6). By contrast, a theoretical grammar, in Chomskys framework, is a scientific theory: it seeks to provide a complete theoretical characterization of the speaker-hearers knowledge of her language, where this knowledge is interpreted to refer to a particular set of mental states and structures. The difference between a theoretical grammar and a pedagogical grammar is one important distinction to bear in mind in order to avoid confusion about how the term grammar operates in theoretical linguistics. A second, more fundamental distinction is between a theoretical grammar and a mental grammar. (John Mikhail, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011)​ Descriptive Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar A descriptive grammar (or reference grammar) catalogues the facts of a language, whereas a theoretical grammar uses some theory about the nature of language to explain why the language contains certain forms and not others. (Paul Baker, Andrew Hardie, and Tony McEnery, A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2006)​ Descriptive and Theoretical Linguistics The purpose of descriptive and theoretical linguistics is to further our understanding of language. This is done through a continual process of testing theoretical assumptions against data, and analyzing data in the light of those assumptions which previous analyses have confirmed to such a degree that they form a more or less integral whole that is accepted as the currently preferred theory. Between them, the mutually dependent fields of descriptive and theoretical linguistics provide accounts and explanations of how things seem to be in language, and a terminology for use in discussions. (O. Classe, Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. Taylor Francis, 2000) It seems that in modern theoretical grammar the differences between morphological and syntactic constructions are beginning to show up, for example in the fact that, in the European languages at least, syntactic constructions tend to be right-branching while morphological constructions tend to be left-branching. (Pieter A. M. Seuren, Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction. Blackwell, 1998) Also Known As: theoretical linguistics, speculative grammar
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