Sunday, January 26, 2020
Review of the Market Entry Modes
Review of the Market Entry Modes INTRODUCTION When we look at the development of world business, it can be easily noticed that recent years have witnessed a growing intensity of competition in virtually all areas of business, whether in domestic or international areas. In today`s changing and developing world, it has been getting more and more important and at the same time becoming difficult day by day to expand your business` borders. For this reason, it has also been getting more and more important to make the decision of going internationally and choosing an appropriate entry mode. The perception of this importance can be related to the answer of this question; â€Å"how come international business is important especially for domestic companies?†International business is that kind of trade that gives increase to the economy of the world. In this the demand and supply and the prices are influenced by the global issues. For instance, the change in political conditions in Asia can raise manufacturing cost and cost of labour of an American company which is in a country in Asia. This would then result in rise in the price of the product that you need to purchase from a local mall. If there is a decrease in cost of labour, on the other hand then you can have to pay relatively less price on the product. (Hussey, 2008) It is also another advantage of going internationally that it gives an opportunity to developed countries to use their resources effectively like technology, capital and labour. Since a large number of the countries already have natural resources and different inputs such as labor, technology, land and capital, they are likely to produce many products more efficiently and sell them for cheaper prices than other countries. A country can obtain an item from another country if it cannot effectively produce it within the national boundaries. This is the specialty of international trade. In same way a country can obtain an item from another country, for the reason of that product can be produced in its own country but with worse conditions such as lower quality or higher cost. Global trading also allows the different countries to participate in global economy encouraging the foreign direct investors. These individuals invest their money in the foreign companies and other assets. Hence the countries can become competitive global participants. Entering a Foreign Market Before entering international marketing, if we reflect on our perception what marketing means itself, we will face a few important definitions. According to Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing is a â€Å"Management process which is responsible for identifying, predicting and providing customer requirements profitably†. (Lowe and Doole, 2001) Marketing involves; providing customer needs and wants, finding out best ways and methods to provide these needs and wants, orienting the firm towards the process of focusing on that satisfaction, meeting organizational objectives. In this way, it becomes important for the company or organization to prepare itself to achieve competitive advantage in the market. The company then needs to work on taking this advantage in the market. The company then needs to work on taking advantage by manipulating controllable functions of marketing, within the uncontrollable marketing environment which is directly affected by SLEPT factors, i.e. Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Technological and Legal. (Lowe and Doole, 2001) When domestic and international marketing are compared, it is argued that†what differences there are between these two markets â€Å". Actually, the key elements are still same. The concept is not likely to change to any market degree when a company moves from a domestic market to an international market. However, two main differences can be defined. First, of them, there are different approaching levels depending on international scope, and second, the company will be likely to face complexities and difficulties as the result of international marketing environment factors as it mentioned above. (Lowe and Doole, 2001) General Review of the Market Entry Modes For the majority of companies, the most important international marketing decision that they are most likely to take is how they should enter new markets, as these decisions which they make will directly affect every part of their business for many years in the future. There are advantages and disadvantages with each market entry method and critical in the decision-making process are the firms assessment of the cost and risk associated with each method and the level of involvement the company is allowed by the government, or want to have in the market. These factors determine the degree of control it can exert over the total product and service offer and method of distribution. (Chee and Harris, 1993) There is, however, no ideal market entry strategy and different market entry methods might be adopted by different companies entering the same market and/or by the same company in different markets. The Alternative Market Entry Modes The variety of alternative market entry methods are shown in figure below, depending on international involvement from virtually zero, when the company only makes its products for others to export but effectively does nothing itself to market its products internationally, to total involvement, where the firm might operate wholly-owned subsidiaries in all its key markets. (Chee and Harris, 1993) The market entry decision is taken within the company and it is determined related to the companys objectives and attitudes to international marketing and the confidence of its management teams to operate in foreign markets. In order to select most appropriate and effective market entry strategy, it is essential to take into account some point including; the company objectives and expectations relating to the size and value of predicted business, the size and financial resources of the company its existing foreign market involvement the skill, abilities and attitudes of the firms management for international business the intensity of the competition in target market, the affect of existing and expecting tariff and non-tariff barriers the nature of product considered for international entering the areas of competitive advantage, such as trademark or patent protection the timing of entry in relation to the market and intensity of competitive situation However, this list of entry modes is likely to be meaningful when the other factors which affect the entry mode and are very specific to the companys particular situation. For instance, the regulations of laws of the host country might be a barrier for a company to own 100 percent of an operation in that country. All companies should identify, analyse and monitor these external factors and consider their potential affect on their products/services. Although these external factors take place outside of the firms management teams control, they all must be taken into account as much as internal factors. (Chee and Harris, 1993) According to Terpstra and Sarathy (1994), alternative methods of foreign market entry can be summarized basically as shown below; Production in HomeMarket Foreign Production Sources -Contract Manifacture -Licencing -Assembly -Joint Venture -100 Percent Ownership and / or Indirect Exporting -Trading Company -Export Management Company -Piggyback, etc. Direct Exporting -Foreign Distributor -Agent -Overseas Marketing Subsidiary STARBUCKS IN CHINA In 1999, when Starbucks invested into China, the company entered the joint-venture agreement with three big local partners: Beijing Meida Coffee, Shanghai Uni-President Starbucks Coffee Ltd and Maxims Caterer (Asia Pulse, 2006). On the one hand, the company was able to meet requirements from the Chinese governments regulations and lower the risk and level of investment when entering a new market. In return, Starbucks sacrificed its control over development of those individual companies while only earning loyalty fees (ibid). As a result of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, Chinese government has loosened regulations on foreign investment, especially the removal of restrictions on foreign investment. Since then, share of local partners is no longer required for foreign companies (ibid). Consequently, Starbucks has paid out more than USD 21, 3 million to gain its share to 50 percent in Shanghai Uni-President Starbucks Coffee. Similarly, the company increased its stake s in Maxims Caterer to 51 percent and control over 50 percent of stock in Beijing Meida Coffee (Harris, 2007). Such forward integration gives Starbucks more control over its expansion which will be more aggressive in the near future (ibid). Besides, Starbucks is also concerned with coffee sources and prices. Currently, for the Chinese market, Starbucks imports coffee beans from its suppliers all around the world (Reuters, 2007a). Since these suppliers have been controlled tightly by the companys specialists, Starbucks can assure the quality of its products in China. However, Starbucks needs to pay import duty. Depending on the type of coffee, this duty may vary from 10 to 30 percent (Friedlnet, 2003). To make the problem worse, coffee prices have jumped from 89.36 US cents per pound in 2005 to 113.20 US cents per pound in 2007 and is expected to grow higher in 2008 (Reuters, 2007a). This may consequently influence the price of Starbucks product and influence Starbucks performance. I n America, as a result of the increase in price of dairy product, Starbucks raised the price of its coffee drinks by 9 cents and 50 cents for its whole bean coffee in 2007 (Reuters, 2007b). This is the second time Starbucks raises its prices. The first time this happened was in 2006 when Starbucks raised 5 cents for all of its drinks (USA Today, 2006). To prevent such potential price change in the future, Starbucks has been working with coffee farmers in many parts of China and trying to help them meet the company standards. Jinlong Wang, president of Starbucks greater China, expressed that â€Å"China does produce some quality coffee and sourcing from China would start very soon, maybe in a couple of year†(Reuters, 2007a). Starbucks also plan to build a roasting plant in China. This backward integration when applied successfully in the future, will give Starbucks a huge competitive advantage. After initial success with more than 540 stores across China, Starbucks is striving hard to expand its operation and turn China into the biggest overseas market in near future. However, the Chinese market has many differences to other market that Starbucks has entered. Average coffee consumption in China is projected to increase by 20 to 25 percent each year. Therefore, much more opportunity is waiting for Starbucks in the near future. Despite its success, Starbucks should continuously monitor changes from the external environment and prevent unfortunate incidents such as in 2000 when Starbucks was kicked out of the Forbidden City, a symbol of Chinese Culture (CNN, 2000). Failing to monitor and respond properly, China can be a graveyard for Starbucks ambitions. IMPORTANCE OF CHOOSING AN EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGY In today`s competitive international world, one of the most significant tasks for many companies which are preparing itself to enter a foreign market is to make the right decision about how the company should enter a foreign market. One reason for this is that this decision is likely to influence every part of its business for a long perid of time in the future. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of every single foreign market entry modes. For the aim of selecting the most appropriate and effective foreign market entry strategy, it is essential to take into account some point including; (Chee and Harris, 1993); the company objectives and expectations relating to the size and value of predicted business, the size and financial resources of the company its existing foreign market involvement the skill, abilities and attitudes of the firms management for international business the intensity of the competition in target market, the affect of existing and expecting tariff and non-tariff barriers the nature of product considered for international entering the areas of competitive advantage, such as trademark or patent protection the timing of entry in relation to t he market and intensity of competitive situation Recommended Strategies In fast-changing Chinese cities, finding locations that will embody the right lifestyle is more like gambling than science. Real-estate know-how is a hallmark of Starbucks worldwide, but the computerized mapping databases that are used to test a potential street corner in the United States would be little help in Chinese cities. Starbucks must continue to use joint ventures or license other companies to own and operate Starbucks stores as this philosophy differs from its domestic approach, where the stores are largely company-owned. The idea is that an experienced local partner can help identify locations, sift through tax issues and give Starbucks stores a more local community appeal. Once the market is established Starbucks will be given an opportunity to purchase a controlling interest in the partnership, which will then allow them more control and management of the overall operation and direction of the business. As Starbucks adds a whopping six stores a day on average, the company must continue to carefully consider everything from the direction of commuter traffic zipping by a potential drive-thru site to how many people are pounding the pavement on a busy urban block. As of Oct. 3, Starbucks had 12,440 stores worldwide, including 7,102 company-operated stores and 5,338 licensed locations. Starbucks must continue to open new locations as their market continues to grow. At some stage there are limits to their expansion, but to date the company has not seen any signs that they are near that optimal point or number. A major concern would include anything from a drop in quality to the brand losing its luster. Despite potential saturation and plans to add many more stores in China. Starbucks insists that it sees very little cannibalization of its existing business when a new store opens. In fact, the company says, one reason would-be customers dont end up buying a Starbucks drink is because the line or wait is too long. One solution is to open up another store nearby. Besides adding stores, drive-thru and kiosks throughout the world, Starbucks also has plans to make itself ubiquitous even in places where it cant squeeze in a store. It is getting ready to launch Starbucks-branded vending machines, which will let people buy warm lattes and other drinks in a nine-ounce can for $2.50. And thats in addition to the business it already does selling bottled cold Starbucks drinks and coffee beans in more traditional food stores. In closing if you see a mall in the United States today itll probably be there two years form now but, a year passes by in a Chinese location, and you almost wont know your way around there any more. Ive witnessed this first hand when I travel to China on business. This is just how fast the Chinese economy and market is growing and Starbucks is looking to convert 1.3 billion tea drinkers to coffee lovers. The key attribute to attain this surmountable goal is to continue the expansion plan in China and other countries in Asia. References Pulse A., (2006), â€Å"Starbucks Soars in China†, accessed on 15th February 2010, available from: Harris C., (2007), â€Å"Starbucks Exec Talks of High Hopes for Growth in Asia†, accessed on 18th February 2010, available from: Reuters, (2007a), â€Å"Reuters Summit Starbucks to source coffee from China†, accessed on 21st February 2010, available from: Reuters, (2007b), â€Å"Starbucks raising U.S. Drinks Price Next Week†, accessed on 22nd February 2010, available from: Friedlnet, (2003), â€Å"Analysis: The Chinese Coffee Market†, accessed on 21st February 2010, available from: USA Today, (2006), â€Å"Starbucks Raises Prices of Most Coffee Drinks by Five Cents†, accessed on 19th February 2010, available from: CNN, (2000), â€Å"Starbucks Brew Storm in Chinas Forbidden City†, accessed on 16th February 2010, available from: Terpstra V. and Sarathy R., (1994), â€Å"International Marketing†, 6th Edition, Orlando: The Dryden Press. Chee H. and Harris R., (1993), â€Å"Marketing a Global Perspective†, Fitman Publishing, London, and p: 21 Lowe R. And Doole I., (2001), â€Å"International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation, 3rd edition, Thomson learning. Hussey R., (2008), â€Å"Importance of International Trade†, accessed on 15th February 2010, available from:
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The direct effects of Johnes disease
IntroductionMycobacterium avium races paratuberculosis ( MAP ) is the causative agent of an incurable, infective, chronic, granulomatous enteritis in ruminants, called Johne ‘s disease or paratuberculosis. The direct effects of Johne ‘s disease on animate being public assistance and productiveness may look insignificant and are frequently masked by the mostly subclinical character of the disease in domesticated farm animal ( incubation period prior to the oncoming of clinical marks by and large ranges from 2 to 10 old ages ) { { 1 Lepper, A.W. 1989 } } { { 2 Chiodini, R.J. 1984 } } .The economic impact of JohneA?s on dairy cowss industries is significant. Estimated costs as a consequence of reduced weight addition, milk production loss, premature culling and decreased carcase value add up to an one-year sum of $ 250 million ( USD ) in the United States industry entirely { { 3 Ott, S.L. 1999 } } . More recent in-depth estimations indicate a important relationship being between Johne ‘s disease position and decreased milk production { { 51 Smith, R.L. 2009 } } , increased hazard of being culled { { 40 Smith, R.L. 2010 } } and a reduced calving rate in high sloughing animate beings. The on-going contention refering the possible function of MAP in Crohn ‘s disease ( human inflammatory intestine disease ) suggests that MAP itself might be of great public wellness significance { { 17 Hermon-Taylor, J. 2000 } } .1.2. Transmission of MAPCattles are most susceptible to infection as calves from birth to a few months of age { { 27 Taylor, A.W. 1953 ; 55 Windsor, P.A. 2010 } } , but can besides be infected as grownups { { 28 Doyle, T.M. 1951 } } .Transmission of MAP can happen by a assortment of paths in dairy cowss ; horizontally by consumption of MAP from the environment, or vertically from dike to calf. Evidence of intrauterine transmittal and sloughing of MAP in milk and foremilk has been reported by several surveies { { 5 Nielsen, S.S. 2008 ; 25 Seitz, S.E. 1989 ; 24 Sweeney, R.W. 1992 } } . Although calf-to-calf transmittal has besides been demonstrated in several experimental scenes where calves are being housed together { { 52 RANKIN, J.D. 1961 ; 53 new wave Roermund, H.J. 2007 } } horizontal infection from cattles to calves and perpendicular infection from dike to calf are believed to be the most common and most of import infection paths in dairy cowss. Previous surveies besides describe that calves born from positive tested dikes were at a significantly higher hazard of going Map infected than calves without this risk-profile. Besides calves turning up with a future high spiller and calves being born shortly following the freshening of an septic dike were at higher hazard being infected { { 29 Benedictus, A. 2008 } } .1.3. Treatment & A ; controlPresently, there is no satisfactory intervention for the disease. No disinfectants are approved for the intervention of Johne ‘s disease because of their deficiency of efficiency and their failure to supply bacteriological remedy. A vaccinum for Johne ‘s disease exists but is non really normally used because it interferes with the reading of the current TB tegument trial and its inability to wholly forestall infection { { 44 Muskens, J. 2002 } } . Consequently JohneA?s disease is presently controlled via control plans that implement a assortment of production patterns. The most cost-efficient option for cut downing the prevalence of MAP infection in herds is application of hazard direction steps to interrupt known transmittal paths { { 6 Groenendaal, H. 2003 ; 16 Kudahl, A.B. 2009 } } . Current MAP control plans are risk-based. Management-wise, animate beings are divided into high and low hazard animate beings, by looking at the consequences of 4 one-year showings that test all lactating cattles for MAP specific antibodies in the milk { { 47 Nielsen, S.S. 2011 } } . Particular production pattern recommendations are provided for pull offing bad animate beings and these recommendations chiefly focus on within-herd MAP transmittal { { 46 Nielsen, S.S. 2007 } } .According to recent surveies, implementing patterns that can minimise the exposure of MAP to newborn calves should take precedence in control plans { { 45 Pillars, R.B. 20 11 } } . However, control steps are really expensive and non cost-effective. Current control steps do non take into history that MAP can be transmitted vertically and ignores the possibility that there is familial fluctuation in cowss associated with differential susceptibleness to Johne ‘s doing girls of septic dikes more likely to be infected even if hygiene steps are implemented absolutely at birth.1.4. Heritability of susceptiblenessConsiderable work on linkage between genetic sciences and the opposition, tolerance or susceptibleness to Mycobacterium avium races paratuberculosis. Heritability of susceptibleness to infection with MAP has been estimated from 0.06 to 0.159 { { 18 Koets, A.P. 2000 ; 31 Mortensen, H. 2004 ; 37 Hinger, M. 2008 ; 38 Attalla, S.A. 2010 } } . The broad fluctuation in these extimates can be explained by differences in definition of infection and nosologies ( blood or milk ELISA, faecal civilizations, tissue civilizations ) , sample sizes, survey population ( breed ) and statistical theoretical accounts ( assorted animate being theoretical account, beget theoretical account ) used. Two genome-wide surveies have identified venue for resistence or susceptibleness to infection by MAP utilizing Illumina Bovine SNP50 assay { { 32 Settles, M. 2009 ; 33 Minozzi, G. 2010 } } . A SNP on chromosome 9 ( BTA9 ) is associated with casting ( being faecal civilization positive ) when genuinely infected ( tissue civilization positive { { 32 Settles, M. 2009 } } and being ELISA positive { { 33 Minozzi, G. 2010 } } . Zanella et Al. performed an association survey on the same dataset as Settles et Al. and found BTA6 to be associated with tolerence to paratuberculosis { { 43 Zanella, R. 2011 } } . Several campaigner cistrons identified by these genome-wide surveies have been examined for farther association with infection. Attempts to turn up cistrons associated with susceptibleness or opposition to paratuberculosis hold had limited success. Pinedo et al 2009 identified an association of caspase enlisting sphere 15 ( CARD15 ) with infection { { 34 Pinedo, P.J. 2009 } } , while a separate comparative analysis of bovine, murine, and human CARD15 transcripts suggest no important associations between fluctuation in the CARD15 and disease position { { 41 Taylor, K.H. 2006 } } .Toll-like receptor 4 ( TLR4 ) was associated with infection in recent work by Mucha et Al. 2009 but was non associated with infection in a coincident independent analysis { { 49 Pinedo, P.J. 2009 } } . Tendency towards association between infection and variant allelomorphs of the SLC11A1gene ( once NRAMP1 ) { { 34 Pinedo, P.J. 2009 } } is consistent with a population-based familial association survey carried out by Ruiz-Larranaga et Al. { { 42 Ruiz-Larranaga, O. 2010 } } , but conflicting consequences were presented by a population ba sed association survey by Hinger et Al. 2007 { { 39 Hinger, M. 2007 } } . Hinger et Al. and Minozzi used ELISA-tests as a diagnostic step to sort animate beings as septic whereas Pinedo et Al. used a combination of ELISA and faecal civilization to specify infection and Settles et Al used faecal and tissue civilization. The complexness of the intracellular infective disease Mycobacterium avium races paratuberculosis causes suggests engagement of many different cistrons that perchance interact with one another and with external factors from the environment. In add-on, the different procedures involved in early disease and late disease are yet ill-defined and may besides be reflected in the different venue found to be associated with the categorization of the type of infection. Particularly because pathogenesis of the disease is non to the full understood and sensitiveness of ELISA trials is rather low in latent or low casting animate beings { { 10 McKenna, S.L. 2006 ; 54 Eamens, G.J. 2000 } } { { 50 Nielsen, S.S. 2008 } } , case-control association surveies that use chiefly tissue and fecal nosologies in order to find the true infection position of the cow present the most dependable consequences.1.5. Vertical transmittalTo look into the importance of perpendicular transmittal, old surveies tried to find the prevalence of foetal infection in cowss and estimated the incidence of calves infected via in utero transmittal. On norm, approximately 9 % of foetuss from subclinically infected cattles ( faecal civilization positive ) and 39 % from clinical cattles were infected with MAP prior to deliver { { 4 Whittington, R.J. 2009 } } . Harmonizing to Whittington and Windsor { { 4 Whittington, R.J. 2009 } } existent prevalence of foetal MAP infection would be higher than reported because some of the methods and protocols used in these surveies to handle and prove samples have really low specificity { { 54 Eamens, G.J. 2000 } } . The estimated incidence of calf infection derived via the in utero path depends on within-herd prevalence and the ratio of sub-clinical to clinical instances among septic cattles. The mean perpendicular infection rates mentioned above are derived from the consequence of five independent surveies published between 1980 and 2003.1.6 Strain typewritingCurrent developments in molecular genetic sciences make it possible to disciminate Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis strains with different fingerprinting techniques { { 36 Motiwala, A.S. 2006 } } . These techniques can besides be used as a tool to look into the possibility of perpendicular transmittal by comparing strains carried by the dike w ith strains carried by the girl. When comparing different MAP fingerprinting techniques, the Multi Locus Short Sequence Repeat technique utilizing all 11 venues selected by Amonsin et Al. 2004 has the highest prejudiced power with a Simpsons diverseness index of 0.967 { { 36 Motiwala, A.S. 2006 } } . Harris et Al. 2006 used four of these identified repetitions ( locus 1, venue 2, locus 8 and locus 9 ) to distinguish MAP strains { { 21 Harris, N.B. 2006 } } . To analyze diverseness of the selected MAP isolates we used these same four venue for MLSSR analysis and added venue 3, venue 5, venue 6, locus 10 and locus 11 in order to observe more diverity among dam and daughter isolates. Strain typing methods to longitudinal datasets can now supply us with extra penetration into within herd infection kineticss, including the transmittal of MAP from dikes to girls.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Types of Papers in College
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Types of Papers in College What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Types of Papers in College Our blog continually attempts to supply parts of paper sooner or later. For instance, you might be requested to compose a paper discussing a part of art. In literature, as an example, you might be assigned a paper in which you must compare and contrast two distinct parts of work or two distinct authors. Other materials may be used for envelopes and the conventional paper. Envelopes made from manilla paper are usually more affordable than the white equivalent, even though the cost has risen dramatically over the past few years due to deficiency of paper capacity. Most envelopes made for laser printers will be appropriate for your Brother machine. Types of Papers in College - Overview SNHU's internet accounting degree will prepare you to pursue a number of accounting and accounting-related careers. The internet accounting curriculum will provide you with a good foundation in essential accounting principles and practices. Colleges generally require some sort of freshman composition class to assist you learn the writing skills you will want. In addition, it is going to help you to comprehend the central principles of every one of them! The desired result is to earn the essay stand. If you would like to understand how to make envelopes, then one of the simplest ways is to utili ze Microsoft Office Word. There two formats are called MLA and APA. To have the ability to compose a fantastic article, some one should comprehend the fundamentals of the englishlanguage and papers writing. There's rules to follow for each different sort of essay, and it can be hard to keep all of them in order. If you don't find out how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be pleased to help you. Though the essay has a little amount and absolutely free structure, it is a full-fledged scientific work. There are scores of sizes of envelopes out there. Most envelopes are created within the array of 80-140gsm. Shipping envelopes can have padding to offer stiffness and some level of cushioning. Just because there is a wide array of envelope sizes readily available, so too are there a variety of distinct papers. It's possible to also specify varying combinations of window dimensions and placement in the example of banker envelopes. When you compose a resume for the very first time, it may take you some time to put everything in order and create your CV appear presentable. Based on your supplier, you can also have the choice of requesting nonstandard sizes and configurations, which can aid your print materials stick out from your competition. The methods for writing very good college papers are simple to follow. Find out which college professors are interested in in regards to college essay writing. It's possible to purchase college essays from one of the absolute most dependable customized essay writing. Writing an outstanding college essay is the most significant thing you can do in order to make your application stick out from the crowd. Get your ideal research paper the moment you will need. Thesis document delivers extensive operates. Research papers are extremely popular on the planet of science. A A An Analytical papers are much like argument papers in that you provide various viewpoints from assorted experts on a specific topic. With over proficient writers being active at any particular time, you are certain to find original best excellent writing. Also, on our site, there are sections where you are able to get acquainted with each kind of academic assignment. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Therefore, short descriptions of the principal ones will be supplied below. The authors can offer such a service as a totally free purchase refinement. The question of the way to find expert essay writers on the internet is quite relevant today.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Morality and Case Study - 1391 Words
Case Study: Fetal Abnormality. Sylvia Hoffman Grand Canyon University Case Study: Fetal Abnormality. The case study presented is a young immigrant couple striving to better their lives in a country of opportunity. This couple has endured a hard-working life style to begin a new life as a young married couple in their own home. The problem that they encounter is that the young wife discovers she is pregnant, which may have been a joyous surprise to the couple, but an ultrasound revealed that the fetus has an abnormality of the absence of bilateral arm development and a 25% chance that the fetus may have Down syndrome. The dilemma is how the physician and young couple and family have differing beliefs of what it means to be†¦show more content†¦Personal response to case study includes if you agree or disagree but does not detail how the theory determines or influences the recommendation for action. Personal response to case study includes whether if you agree or disagree and an explanation on how the theory determines or influences the recommendation for action. Personal response to case study includes if you agree or disagree and a detailed explanation on how the theory determines or influences the recommendation for action. Personal response to case study includes if you agree or disagree and a detailed explanation that shows a deep understanding of the subject including how the theory determines or influences the recommendation for action. 20.0 % Organization and Effectiveness 0 10.5 12 13.6 16 16 7.0 % Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 8.0 % Argument Logic and Construction Statement of purpose is not justified by theShow MoreRelatedMorality of Warfare: Case Study Drone3702 Words  | 15 Pages20 July 2014 The Morality of Warfare: Case Study; Drone Warfare Advancements in warfare technology and weaponry have been the defining factors in battle since the dawn of civilization. The one with the bigger gun usually wins. This is a fact that hasn’t changed much since the beginnings of warfare and holds true today and in today’s world Drones have become the next warfare advantage. 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Lastly, Hill uses the analysis of case studies in lieu of his proposed Christian ethic. Although questions in regards to ethical behaviors remain conclusively unanswered, several find ethical structure valuable when dealing with difficult situations. Hill begins by suggesting holinessRead MoreThe Relationship Between Religion and Ethics Essay972 Words  | 4 PagesTo answer this question, we must first understand what both ethics and morality are. As ethics is defined as the philosophical study of morality, those who study religion get their moral precepts from what they believe God says should be done. This perspective is not at all unexpected, because all religions apply a perspective on morality. Morality is defined as beliefs concerning right and wrong, good and bad- beliefs that can include judgements, values, rules, principles, and theories. Morals are
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